This is a framework for designing and testing railway vehicle models running on straight and curved tracks. The framework is able to perform automated transient analysis and bifurcation analysis. New vehicle models can be added as new C sub-classes and parameters for both the vehicle and the track can be submitted using XML files. The model of a complete vagon with two Cooperrider bogies is included with the software. The wheel-rail interaction is modeled using the Hertz's static contact theory, corrected with the Kalker's theory for dynamical wheel-rail penetration, and Shen, Hedrick and Elkins non-linear theory. The framework includes a number of numerical ODE solvers from which to choose.
The output include information about body displacements and forces. It is written on comma separated files (CSV) that can then be processed using Python or other software.
Source code and tracker : GitHub
License: GNU LGPL v3
Bifurcation diagram of the critical speed on straight track
Eigenvalue analysis of the central solution on straight track